Wednesday, 26 June 2013

Happiness is on a horse on Dartmoor

Riding on Dartmoor is such a contrast to riding in Dorset - the wide-open spaces, capped with an expanse of sky, make you feel like you are riding on the top of the world. When the weather is kind, you can see for miles and miles - right out to the ships entering the Plymouth Sound. At times the silence is engulfing. At other times, there are sky larks high above you, singing as if their lungs will burst. You can feel like you are 'home on the range', surrounded by grazing cattle or, at this time of year, by ponies with diminutive foals, each one seeming cuter than the next.
We have had a lovely afternoon, the Rector@6 rode out for the first time since we left Dartmoor. He has been too busy in the new parish to escape for a horse ride with me in Dorset. I fear the afternoon's ride may have a lasting effect on him - in more ways than one!


  1. Oh, yes; the Rector had a chance to get out and horse around with his wife. (Hmmmm: accurate description, perhaps a bit misleading.)

    Glad you got away. Looks like such a lovely place!

    A delightful change from the flooding in western Canada.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  2. Ha ha! Yes we certainly were horsing around on the moor - it is to be recommended! We do know all about flooding and how awful they can be. We haven't heard much about flooding in Canada over here - is it really bad?

  3. This looks perfect! I grew up on Dartmoor and miss it terribly now we are up in Wales.

    I have loved reading your blogs and I am a vicar's wife-to-be. My husband will be getting ordained next year. I look forward to reading more :)

    1. Oh I hope I don't put you off - life can be good - I just wasn't prepared myself for the momentus change in life style. Get to know as many other vicar's wives as you can. i had a real shortage of friends who understood how my life had changed.
